Green Sea Shipbuilding Establishment

Saturday, September 23, 2006


At approximately 9:00am on the morning of Saturday, September 23, 2006, the newest Green Sea Ship, R.C.S. MUSASHI made her trial voyage at Dobson Lake, Mesa.

The voyage followed a night of feverish work and little sleep. There was alot of trouble to get the rudder to work properly. I finally had to steal the rudder from the R.C.S. ZUIDERDAM, but I got what I was after. An opperational Musashi!!!

The voyage lasted more than one hour, making it perhaps the most exhaustive trial voyage of any of my ships to date! In fact, the first battery she sailed with lasted about 1 hour! I can only guess that because of her relatively light weight and low hydrodynamic resistance, her battery life was extended. If so, she is my most effecient ship.

Well, here are the pictures from today's voyage. Please enjoy them and look forward to her completion and Maiden Voyage!

Barrett Hochhaus

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Here comes the MUSASHI!

Greensea Shipbuilding announces construction of the new 8-foot, 3-inch Radio-Controlled Battleship MUSASHI!

The "Moose" as she is known is under construction right now, and will hopefully be completed by October. Her maiden voyage has not yet been scheduled. Work began on August 18, 2006, and is proceeding much faster than her predecessor, the QUEEN MARY. Of course, the Musashi is not going to be as detailed or elaborate as the Mary, but she is looming impressively nonetheless. She is already the widest ship in the Green Sea Fleet, and a close second for overall length.

It is hoped that the Musashi may make her Builder's Trials by next weekend, September 16, 2006. Hopefully, I will have a photo update for the website by then! For more information, please go to

Barrett Hochhaus

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

1 Year of Green Sea Shipbuilding.

It has been 12 months since the joyous day of the Ecstasy's Maiden Voyage. In that time has come a complete metamorphosis for Green Sea Shipbuilding Establishment. 13 months ago, I was still living in the post- Queen Mary 2 era. There were only 2 small single-channel radio controlled ships in the whole fleet, America and Kamloops. While fine vessles, with alot to say, they constituted a far cry from the diverse and very heavy fleet that occupies the lakes today.

Not since I was a boy in high school has there been such a prolific period of creativity for me. I have never been closer to the dream of building any ship I want whenever I want. In fact, after 2006, I may never come as close again.

13 months ago, I did not know about Mesa Model Yacht Club. I had never sailed with other R.C. boaters and I was unknown to the internet, but these are personal milestones, irrelevant to Green Sea itself.

13 months ago, a ship called Ecstasy sailed her first completed voyage on McCormick Lake in Scottsdale on a quiet Sunday morning. In her wake followed a fleet that by rights should take years to assemble. Intermediates like Zuiderdam, and the renovated Sovereign of the Seas. The diminutive destroyer USS Amos Hathaway. The single-channeled Raffaello, Kaga, and Olympic. Last but most notably, Ecstasy was surpassed as my flagship by the massive Queen Mary.

6 new ships have been launched in the 12 months starting September 4 2005. The fleet has combined for at least 95 voyages! Ecstasy herself has just made her landmark 25th voyage, symbolizing a quarter of her minimal expected life span.

Along the way, I have been lucky to capture some of the most beautiful images I have ever photographed. It has been my pleasure to share them with everyone on this website and in forums like

Personally speaking again, it has been also a tremendous pleasure sailing with so many fellow boaters. It makes me look forward very much to the next season at Dobson Lake and beyond.

The 2006-2007 season will see the pace continuing unbroken with launchings of 3 new ships at least 8 feet in length, as well as at least 1 new single-channel ship! There are even more ships on the distant horizon which likely will not make it to the water in the next 12 months.

For Green Sea, the beat goes on...

Saturday, September 02, 2006


On the morning of Saturday, September 2nd, the R.C.S. ECSTASY became the first of my ships to reach 25 voyages. The voyage, which was marked by silver garland draped around the ship, lasted at least an hour and took place on Dobson Lake in Mesa. For a time, she shared the water with the R.C.S. AMERICA, herself sailing for the first time since January!

This was Ecstasy's first voyage since June 3rd, and I don't intend to wait that long before her next sailing.

I also got some fantastic video of the Ecstasy for the first time from her DECK as she sailed along! This was done with my digital camera.

Well, until the next voyage, please enjoy these pics from today!

Barrett Hochhaus